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Address: Las Vegas, Nevada

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Room 101: January 26, 2012

We have stayed at 17Hundred90 many times in many rooms. We have never seen any “activity” but love this place! On the 26th at about 2:30am, I was awoken with my covers being pulled off the bed.  I was sleeping on the side of the bed closest to the bathroom.  The covers were being pulled toward the bathroom.  After, lying awake for a few minutes and pulling the covers back, I closed my eyes.  Within 30 seconds, they began to be pulled again. At this point, I was awake so it was a distinct feeling of someone very gently pulling covers to the left.  I didn’t feel an uneasy presence but I did wake my son who was staying in the room with me! A little later, we were awoken by the sound of birds chirping. The second night, I slept with a light on!

Rene & Carter M.

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