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Room 203: September 25-27, 2008

Well the first night we “stayed” at the 1790 we didn’t feel any paranormal activity due to the fact that our extra-curricular activities kept us out until 8am (oops!). I have no comment on the night however we will just say what happens in Savannah stays in Savannah. (: We did not solve the mystery of the bathroom ghost regarding the fan. If you press the button twice it will stay on and if you only press the button once it will automatically and intermittingly go on and off –phew-. The second night of our stay brought no paranormal activity either that may be due to the fact that by 1am I was sleeping like a baby. I have nothing further at this time. Today September 27 concludes our stay in Savannah now were off to Chicago area via car.

T, V, & M


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