1790 was recommended by multiple people for our first visit to Savannah. It did not…
Room 206: February 1, 2012
We are here for the annual oyster roast sponsored by St. John’s Episcopal Church. Most enjoyable! Small Bluffton, SC oysters – roasted to perfection. All sorts of ghost stories being shared by employees of inn, passer-bys, and ghost tour leaders. Mrs. D trying everything to protect her from ghosts! Tonight she has cut out pieces of tin-foil in the shape of the bottom of her feet. These, she covers with her night socks before she goes to bed. We’ll see how this works… Guess what? No ghosts last night! Spent the day at Tybee and touring old historic homes. Believing fully in the military concept of defense I depth, Mrs. D prepare additional ghost thwarting measures. Reading in some ancient time, Mrs. D learns that a linen string dipped in pickle juice will thwart most ghosts. Sooo… tonight she has dipped approximately 50 feet of linen string in pickle juice and wrapped it around the bed posts to form sort of a “box” of protection. Awoke the morning. Guess what? No ghosts! Spent the day at the Owen-Thomson house. Wow! Mrs. D has new research data! She found that ghosts like to move stuff around when they visit. So tonight right before “lights out” she had me take a picture of the different stuff in the room. Create a digital record so to speak. The camera was then to go under my pillow for safe keeping. “Now,” she says, “we’ll know if we’ve been visited.” We’ll see… Good night Mrs. D! Well, gentle reader, we were indeed visited by a ghost or ghosts last night!! Remember what Mrs. D said about ghosts moving things? This morning, Mrs. D awoke in the bath tub!!! She was moved during the night as we can tell! Yes, yes, a ghost or ghosts moved all 215 of her lovely pounds from her bed to the tub!! All without waking me up! Stealthy and silent were they in their mischief! Mrs. D was not hurt but she was most certainly frightened when she woke up and got her bearings! We are trying to decide right now whether or not we should move out. Mrs. D is most concerned that tonight the ghosts might move her to some public place where she will awake and be subject to public ridicule – say the middle of Presidents Street! Just to be on the safe side, Mrs. D says she will wear her PJs with the feet and hood in case she is moved to a public spot. We shall see what the night brings…