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Address: Las Vegas, Nevada

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Room 204: November 18, 2022

We checked in with our spirits high. After a jolly good rollicking tour by Grumpy, we proceeded to befriend Anna. Unfortunately, Anna didn’t seem to want to talk. A spirit box session yielded only sophomoric crying and a myriad of Presbyterian ejaculations of “Satan!” when met with our benevolent use of tarot. Luckily, we were saved by “Stephen,” a bro ghost with the most who had a crush on the buxom Janel who befriended this frat boy stoner entity. When Anna tried to regain our attention by setting off a motion sensor at 3:17am, it was in vain; Stephen had won the day and it was for him a spirit offering of a shot of Patron was left. On our first night, we spoke with a cocophany (sp?) of voices and made many friends. We were rewarded with an impromptu rave at 4am as our REM pod beeped and booped many colors before dying. Also eat at the Olympia Greek restaurant on River Street. The staff here is all very wonderful. 

Warmest Regards, Two Kentucky Ghost Hunters

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