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Address: Las Vegas, Nevada

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Room 204: October 19, 2024

My daughter and I stayed in 204 for a weekend getaway. We try to stay somewhere haunted every October for the experience. This room did not disappoint. The first night it started with the lamp on the dresser next to the coffee pot. We could not get it to turn on that evening but later that evening after we came back from a ghost tour, we were watching tv and the lamp came on by itself. The room was cold, and the heater was not warming it up. The next morning, I learned from my daughter she did not sleep well. Something poked her randomly in the side, tried to pull the covers off and drag her out of bed. I found an old beat-up dime in a jacket I had on, so I placed it on the mantel. While we were out Saturday, we bought a few trinkets (shells) and placed them on the mantel as a gift for Anna. We had no activity on Saturday night as a result. Thanks, Anna, for making your presence known. We enjoyed our visit here. The restaurant was great too. 

Gail & Stephanie

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