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Address: Las Vegas, Nevada

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Room 204: January 28, 2023

My husband Joey and I came to Savannah to celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary. I picked the 17Hundred 90 Inn and room 204 for our stay. I am into paranormal experiences and am familiar with the ghost story here at the inn. With room 204 being available, it must be fate. My husband is a mix between a skeptic and believe. I did bring my paranormal equipment, REM POD, EMF meter and divining rods to do an investigation. I did seem to reach a spirit through the divining rods and communicate. He left the REM pod on @ night and it went off quite often. My husband felt someone rubbing his legs at night. Before checking out, we did an actual session trying to reach a spirit. The spirit did respond. She said her name is Anna, she was murdered by her husband, she doesn’t mind people in the room, she does not like the mannequin in the hallway, and she did rub Joey’s leg, specifically his left leg. He’s a believer. I”d like to think we did communicate with Anna. However, I also believe we receive what we put into the experience. Either way, we had a fabulous time. Loved the history of the inn, the delicious food, and wonderful staff. 

Enjoy your stay! Joey & Kelly

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