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Room 204: September 1, 2022

Mild activity last night, and a little this morning, too…. Our daughter seemed to experience the most activity through the night, which started around 2:45am when she woke up in a drenched sweat, thinking she heard someone talking. While she lied on the daybed, she claims to have seen a whitish-clear movement across the room, moving the quilt at the bottom of our bed. My husband bolted up at 12:45am inexplicably. He also claims to have seen something in the mirror above the coffee pot.  Strangely enough, he was seeing something in the mirror, I kept seeing a white figure floating back and forth in the mirror next to the fireplace. There was no definition to the shape of the “figure,” so I was hesitant to say it was an apparition….  Also, it felt like someone was squeezing my thumb last night. Shortly after, my foot felt really tight, like it, too, had been squeezed. But I’m leaning toward that sensation being from all the walking we’ve done here in Savannah. It’s been a wonderful trip- great way to celebrate our 20-year wedding anniversary (8-10-02). Hope the next guests enjoy as much as we have!

Steve, Audrey & Clarissa from Madison, NC 

P.S. Exceptional hospitality.

P.S. P.S. Yes, Grumpy is a national treasure. 

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