This weekend my wife, my bestie and myself stayed in this room. We had a…
Room 204: May 17, 2015
Room 204: May 17, 2015
We knew we were going to have an event filled night here in room 204. As I checked in at front desk around 4:15PM, my wife made a dash to the ladies \room where she head the bathroom door open and close twice on its own. She also heard a woman’s voice say “he is mine.” While in 204, from 10pm-4am, we had multiple voice recordings (EVPs) on our recorder. The sheets we tugged on twice in the night and most exceptional was a “flashing bright” light on the bed which lasted 10 minutes. Could not see with the naked eye but caught on our infrared camera. Many orbs throughout the night. When we first started our investigation around 10pm, we were using out cell phones as cameras, when my wife’s cell started acting crazy. We then asked Annie if she was doing this and the EVP said “haven’t started yet.” As we were leaving, we notice one of the four toothpicks we laid on the dresser was moved. Originally placed parallel to each other, but found them askew after breakfast at 9am.
Connie and Brian
Tucson, AZ